Our project

​Spirituality in the human being has been expressed for a long time



Spirituality in the human being has been expressed for a long, long time. The ancient signs of the search for contact with the sacred of our ancestors are lost in distant prehistory…

They looked for places that because of their inner resonance were mentally predisposed to playing with the sacred. Sometimes these places expressed a mental landscape as in rivers, caves or high mountains. On other occasions, the paths traced by the sidereal envoys were followed on pilgrimage to lands where these heavenly objects fell. All these places remained in the social and historical memory as myths and legends emitting their signs.

Today, many of these places continue awake, attracting an infinite number of pilgrims. These travelers walk the road in search of an inner sign or a spiritual renewal.

For more than four thousand years, pilgrims have been coming from the most remote places in Europe to Santiago de Compostela. “Compostela”: Field of Stars, where the stars fell, where every year 300,000 walkers now arrive from all regions of the planet.

In one of the branches of this path we want to materialize our Room of Silo’s Message. A place of inspiration, of reparation, of friendship and of joy for the pilgrims; a place of irradiation of a new spirit.